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فارسي در انگليسي

فهرستي از بيش از 60 كلمه انگليسي كه ريشه و يا كاربرد اصلي آنها در زبان فارسيه. البته متاسفانه كلمات با ريشه عربي بخش عمده اين ليست رو تشكيل ميدن
Source : Longman Dictionary

Admiral : from Arabic: amir-al- 'commander of the' (as in amir-al-bahr 'commander of the sea')
Alchemy: from Arabic: al-kimiya 'the alchemy'
Alcohol: from Arabic: al-kuhul 'the powdered antimony (= a type of metal)'
Algebra: from Arabic al-jabr 'the reduction'

h m : from Arabic al-khuwarizmi, from al-Khuwarizmi 9th-century Iranian mathematician
Amber: from Arabic anbar 'substance obtained from the body organs of whales'
Assassin: from Arabic hashshashin 'one who smokes hashish (and then kills religious enemies)', from hashish
Aubergine: from Persian badingan
Azure: from Persian lazhuward
Bazaar: from Persian bazar
Borax: from Persian burah
Bronze: from Persian birinj 'copper'
Camphor: from Arabic kafur
Candy: from Arabic qandi 'covered with sugar', from qand 'sugar'
Carat: from Arabic qirat 'bean pod, small weight'
Caravan: from Persian karwan
Caravanserai: from Persian karwanserai, from karwan ( CARAVAN) + sarai 'palace, place for travelers to stay in'
Carmine: from Arabic qirmiz insect from which red color is obtained
Check: from Persian shah 'king'
Check mate: from Persian shah mat, 'the king is left helpless'
Cipher: from Arabic sifr 'empty, zero'
Coffee: from Arabic qahwa
Cummerbund: from Persian, from kamar 'waist' + band 'band'
Divan: from Persian diwan 'official book, council room, seat in such a room'
Elixir: Arabic al-iksir 'the elixir'
Genie: from Arabic djen
Gazelle: from Arabic ghazal
Giraffe: from Arabic zirafah
Henna: from Arabic hanaa
Hookah: from Arabic huqqah
Jackal: from Persian shagal
Jasmine: from Arabic yasamin
Jumper: from Arabic jubbah
Kabob: from Persian kabab
Kismet: from Arabic qismah 'share you receive by luck'
Lemon: from Arabic laymun
Lilac: from Persian nilak 'bluish'
Magazine: from Arabic makhazin, plural of makhzan 'storehouse'
Mohair: from Arabic mukhayyar 'choice'
Monsoon: from Arabic mawsim 'time, season'
Mosque: from Arabic masjid, from sajada 'to lie face downward'
Mummy: from Persian mum 'wax'
Orange: from Arabic naranj
Pajamas: from Persian pa 'leg' + jama 'piece of clothing'
Pistachio: from Persian pistah
Rook: from Persian rukh
Saffron: from Arabic za'faran
Scimitar: from Persian shimshir
Seersucker: from Persian shir-o-shakar 'milk and sugar'
Shawl: from Persian shal
Sherbet: from Persian sharbat
Sirocco: from Arabic sharq 'east'
Spinach: from Persian isfanaj
Sugar: from Persian shaker
Syrup: from Arabic sharab 'drink, wine, syrup'
Taffeta: from Persian taftah 'woven'
Talc: from Arabic talq
Tambourine: from Arabic tanbur
Tandoori: from Arabic tannur
Tariff: from Arabic ta'rif 'list of money to be paid'
Tarragon: from Arabic tarkhun
Typhoon: from Arabic tufan 'hurricane'
Zero: from Arabic sifr 'empty, nothing'

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